The Life! Program

Bringing a digital health program to Life!

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How we help

Digital strategy
UI/UX design
Customer journeys
Content management
Infrastructure and hosting
Search engine optimisation

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The Brief

The Life! Program is a free healthy lifestyle program that helps people eat healthy, exercise more and manage stress to reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease. Participation is free for Victorians and delivered over 12 months as group courses or telephone health coaching.

The program, managed by Diabetes Victoria and supported by the Victorian State Government, needed a website to encourage people to join, assess their eligibility and learn more about healthy living.

The Solution

Integrating with Salesforce, Bright Labs designed and built a website loaded with resources and useful tools to help the Life! Program reach more Victorians. The site features a custom eligibility tool that asks visitors a series of questions that calculates their risk of developing diabetes, and their eligibility to join the program.

Supporting the website is a resource hub for both site visitors and program participants. These included hundreds of healthy recipes, inspirational member success stories and a Member Hub, through which participants can track program progress and download resources. We also included tools to help visitors find health services and health professionals nearby.

The Outcome

The Life! Program is the largest program of its kind in Australia - using preventative measures to reduce the instance of chronic diseases in our communities. Since its relaunch thousands of Victorians have downloaded resources, successfully joined the program and searched for health services using the site.

1. Homepage

4. Ipad welcome to Life! Program

5. Iphone Menu


7. Risk assessment score

9. About Step Process

10. Find a service

11. Resources

Webby Awards
The Communicator Awards